FDA-approved & Passed Phase I Drug Library


The process of drug development is a complex and time-consuming journey that involves multiple stages of testing and regulatory approval. In recent years, the availability of the FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library has emerged as a valuable resource in the field of drug discovery. This library comprises compounds that have successfully completed phase I clinical trials and received FDA approval, making it an essential tool for researchers. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of the FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library and focus on key points that highlight its importance in accelerating drug discovery.

Key Points

  1. Quality Filter for Drug Candidates: The FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library serves as a quality filter for researchers in early stages of drug discovery. As compounds in this library have successfully passed phase I clinical trials, they have demonstrated their safety, tolerability, and preliminary efficacy in human subjects. By utilizing this library as a starting point, researchers can focus their efforts on compounds with higher chances of success, potentially reducing the risk of failures in later stages of drug development.
  2. Time and Cost Efficiency: Drug development is an expensive and time-intensive process, often taking more than a decade from discovery to market. The FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library provides researchers with a head start by offering a collection of compounds that have already passed early clinical phases and received FDA approval. By leveraging the existing data and safety profiles of these compounds, researchers can save time and resources in the early stages of drug development, allowing for a more efficient and streamlined process.
  3. Accelerating Drug Repurposing: Drug repurposing, or drug repositioning, involves exploring the potential of existing drugs for new therapeutic uses. The FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library facilitates drug repurposing efforts by providing researchers with a curated set of compounds that have already been proven safe for human use. This library enables researchers to investigate the potential applicability of these drugs in different diseases or conditions, potentially shortening the time it takes to bring a new treatment option to patients.
  4. Enhanced Reliability and Confidence: Incorporating FDA-approved and Passed Phase I compounds into the drug discovery process brings a higher level of reliability and confidence. These compounds have undergone rigorous evaluation, adhering to strict regulatory guidelines and oversight. By utilizing this library, researchers can trust the data, safety profiles, and pharmacokinetic properties of the compounds, increasing the probability of success in subsequent stages of drug development.
  5. Bridging Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: The FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library fosters collaboration among researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and institutions. Many organizations make this library accessible, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing in the field of drug discovery. By sharing information, data, and insights gained from working with the library, researchers can collectively work towards improving treatment options and maximizing the potential of approved compounds.
  6. Continual Expansion and Validation: The FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library is continually expanding as new drugs receive FDA approval and complete phase I clinical trials. This ongoing expansion ensures researchers have access to the latest approved compounds and keep up-to-date with the advancements in the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, the validation of these compounds through independent research further strengthens the reliability and usefulness of the library for drug discovery efforts.


The FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library plays a vital role in accelerating drug discovery efforts. By offering a collection of compounds that have successfully completed phase I clinical trials and received FDA approval, this library provides a quality filter for drug candidates, saving researchers time and resources. It enhances the reliability and confidence in the early stages of drug development, facilitating drug repurposing and potentially shortening the time it takes to bring new treatments to patients. Collaboration, continual expansion, and validation contribute to the effectiveness of this valuable resource. With the support of the FDA-approved and Passed Phase I Drug Library, researchers are better equipped to unlock the potential of approved compounds and advance the development of new therapies for various diseases.